Fintech Applied Innovation

AI-Based Models aiding Financial Institutions with Credit Score Assessments

Fintech Applied Innovation

AI-Based Models aiding Financial Institutions with Credit Score Assessments

Artificial intelligence has been around for a while now, and technology is only getting more capable. From self-driving cars to personal digital assistants, AI is integrating into our daily lives in ever-more sophisticated ways. In this article, we’ll explore how artificial intelligence can help financial institutions to generate credit reports and make lending decisions.

Importance of Credit Score for FI

A credit score is the first thing lenders check when you apply for a loan or a credit card. This three-digit numeric is a summary of the entire credit history that determines a consumer’s creditworthiness, the higher the score, the better the borrower’s chances of getting a loan. It is prepared based on lenders’ data and consolidated in the Credit Information Report or CIR. Criteria such as payment history, credit utilization ratio, Credit history length, Credit mix, etc are factored in for this. 

Limitations of Traditional Credit Scores

Although credit scoring systems are being implemented and used by most banks nowadays, they have limitations and can’t be used to make accurate predictions. The score depends upon the quality of data that is used, if the data is erroneous with missing values or outliers the resultant scores may not be accurate. Along with the availability of high-quality data, the data should also be predictive so conclusions can be drawn from it and defaults can be predicted. Traditional credit scores due to the limitations discussed are getting outdated and even irrelevant in some cases. 

AI-based Credit Scoring

Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a role here and make precise predictions based on smart models. AI through its cutting-edge analytical technologies can hugely impact the financial sector and can offer excellent returns on their investment. AI-based credit scoring unlike focusing on the past performance of the borrower can be more sensitive to real-time indicators of a potential borrower like the existing level of earnings, employment prospects, and their potential ability to earn. These models can also give individualized credit score assessments based on real-time factors, giving access to finance to more people with income potential.

With these scoring models, banks also can get unique insights into their customers’ financial behavior and leading to better customer segmentation in terms of associated credit risk. Also after the disbursement of the loan these customers can be monitored and red flags can be raised as soon as a behavior is deviant from standard practices. With the help of AI, it is also possible to speed up lending decisions and processing of loans leading to better customer service and productivity of employees.

Credit scores are determined by algorithms neural network-based scoring. A neural network is a machine-like system that can learn from data and make decisions based on those data sets. These types of scoring can detect small variations in data sets and make more accurate predictions and can help solve the problem of credit scoring. As these models can learn from data without requiring any rules-based algorithms they can better assess the credit risk. With these advantages, financial institutions are relying on machine learning to process big data and produce better insights.

Alternatives to Credit Score

Data points produced by a large number of digital transactions can offer valuable insight into how people manage their financial commitments. There are endeavors going on for developing alternatives to create credit score models based on AI methods to evaluate a person’s creditworthiness, particularly for those who do not have a formal credit repayment history.

In the various financial institutions, these solutions are being implemented at different levels and improving how they operate. Please contact us at open-innovator@quotients.Com if you would like additional information or explore this and other rapidly evolving solutions in a variety of fields.

Applied Innovation Fintech

How is Artificial Intelligence Impacting Corporate Banking

Applied Innovation Fintech

How is Artificial Intelligence Impacting Corporate Banking

With FinTech posing a challenge to the traditional banks and disrupting their core financial services, it has pushed the banks to innovate to remain relevant. There is an increased reliance on Artificial Intelligence (AI) by the banks to meet the competition posed by the FinTech players.

The impact of AI in retail banking can already be seen in retail banking, like customer service chatbots, credit scoring, and the use of data analytics in the segregation of customers and pitching of customized products. AI has also the potential to be leveraged in corporate banking and is being recognized now. Some of the application of AI in corporate banking is being discussed here.

Detect Money Laundering

AI can equip banks with technologically intelligent weapons to help detect money laundering. AI can be used to monitor and scan customer profiles and finding the origin of funds and identify high-risk individuals. Transactions can also be monitored to raise alerts in case of aberration from the regular transaction. Machine learning models can also be used to detect changes in customer behavior and the nature of their transactions. ML can also reduce the number of false alerts effectively compared to traditional anti money laundering devices.

Eliminate Discrimination in Lending

Apart from transaction data and data provided to the bank, AI can also analyze large amounts of external data related to customers like professional, institutional, political, and social like the information in media, social networks, and the public through natural language processing. Financial institutions can thus eliminate discrimination in lending, and to make credit decisions. Algorithms can assist in making the right credit decisions and improve customer relations.

Cross-Selling and Offering Tailored Services

AI-based solutions can equip Relationship Managers (RMs) to provide appropriate and timely advice to their clients by scanning their profiles and transaction history and generating the products best suited for them. This can help banks in cross-selling and offering tailored services By using predictive analytics and algorithms to analyze client behaviors, it can generate inputs in between the conversations and help close the deal.

Reducing Turnaround Time

Through Robotic process automation– using software robots — labor-intensive and repetitive tasks can be drastically reduced and turnaround time for various services and productivity of employees can be improved. It can play an important role in automatic report generation, account opening, customer onboarding, loan processing, and a wide range of back-office processes. Thus, by automating manual business procedures AI allows banks to stay competitive in an ever-evolving market.

Big Data for Predictive Analytics

Banks generate huge amounts of data through interactions and transactions. This can be analyzed by helping banks to comprehend all those client interactions and predict future behavior and providing them with valuable insights.

There are various solution is being deployed at various levels in the banking industry and having a positive impact on their functioning. To know the details and discuss more on this as well as other evolving solutions in multiple domains please write to us at