Applied Innovation

The Next Computing Frontier is at the Edge

Applied Innovation

The Next Computing Frontier is at the Edge

For years, the cloud computing revolution has pushed businesses to centralise more of their data and processing power in vast, distant data centres operated by corporate behemoths such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. The ability to rent virtually infinite storage and processing power from these cloud platforms has enabled incredible advancements in AI, big data analytics, streaming media, and other areas. 

However, the pendulum is starting to swing back towards a more decentralized computing paradigm, at least for certain key applications. Edge computing, which processes data locally at the “edge” where it is created, is quickly gaining traction as a strong supplement to clouds. 

Edge computing may significantly cut latency and bandwidth costs by analysing data at the source rather than sending it across the internet to centralised data centres, while also protecting data privacy and enriching digital experiences. This distributed computing paradigm is set to unleash the next wave of innovation across sectors.

According to recent surveys, a substantial number of organisations are installing or exploring edge computing efforts during the next years, with many preparing to invest heavily in these projects. Technology leaders are driving the drive, recognising edge as a strategic goal.

So, what are the largest potential for edge computing in the enterprise? Here are the five most convincing use cases:

Autonomous vehicles

Self-driving automobiles are one of the most commonly cited instances of the need for edge computing. To travel safely, autonomous cars need a large number of sensors such as cameras, radar, and lidar. Uploading the massive amounts of data collected by these sensors to the cloud for processing would result in unacceptable delay, putting passenger safety at risk.

Instead, sophisticated edge devices installed inside the car can analyse all of the sensor data locally in real time, allowing for split-second driving choices. The onboard edge compute capability is supplemented by roadside edge servers, which may give additional processing power and over-the-air updates to autonomous driving models.

Smart Cities

Municipalities are using edge computing to build smarter, more responsive cities. Cities can alleviate congestion by analysing urban data such as traffic trends at local edge nodes closer to the source.

Edge computing enables cities to quickly discover faults in vital infrastructure by analysing IoT sensor data on-site. For example, an edge system may detect a power outage or a water leak in real time by evaluating signals from smart utility metres in a specific neighbourhood. This local awareness enables smart cities to immediately dispatch repair staff for quick response.

Security and surveillance 

Edge computing enhances the capabilities of physical security, surveillance, and access control systems. By bringing video analytics, facial recognition, and other AI models to the edge device, sensitive data is never needed to leave the premises.

For example, an edge-enabled security camera may employ computer vision to detect possible dangers locally while immediately sending important video clips to the cloud for analysis. Enterprises may also use edge biometrics at crucial access points to provide more secure identity verification.

Healthcare Delivery

Edge processing is changing the way medical data is managed in order to enhance patient experiences and results. Edge gateways filter and analyse data streams from IoT medical devices, so only the most essential values are prioritised for action or forwarded to the cloud.

Edge computing improves remote treatment and virtual consultations by lowering video conferencing latency. Edge computational skills have also become critical for robotic-assisted surgery, which requires real-time precise control.

Industrial Innovation

Manufacturing companies and industrial facilities are using edge computing to improve productivity, safety, and generate new revenue streams. Edge servers on the factory floor offer the ultra-low latency necessary for mission-critical machine management and real-time robot process optimisation.

Edge computing is also at the heart of predictive maintenance programmes, which utilise AI models to anticipate probable equipment breakdowns before they occur using sensor data. Edge analytics provide up new service-based income potential for industrial enterprises that are adopting servitization business models to sell outcomes rather than items.Immersive Experiences

Edge computing will be important for providing low-latency, immersive experiences in augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the coming metaverse. Running rendering and machine vision models on edge devices might eliminate the jitter and latency that plagues today’s AR/VR apps.

Whether producing lifelike product visualisations for stores or constructing AR training simulations for manufacturing workers, edge computing promises to improve the immersive experience by providing real-time response.

Streaming Media 

Over-the-top streaming systems and content delivery networks use edge servers to provide uninterrupted high-quality watching experiences. Edge nodes situated closer to viewers minimise latency, bandwidth costs, and scaling issues.

The benefits go much beyond video streaming. Edge processing provides smarter content selection, more personalised suggestions, and interactive features such as live polling and gaming during live events. As user expectations increase, edge will become critical for streaming services.

Next-Gen Customer Experiences

Retailers, banks, restaurants, and other consumer-facing businesses are leveraging edge computing to create hyper-personalized, digitally enhanced experiences that thrill their consumers. In retail businesses, smart mirrors powered by edge AI may digitally simulate several ensembles for customers.

Edge-rendered AR experiences may also display product information, ratings, and deals immediately in front of consumers’ eyes while they buy. Edge servers in fast service restaurants may also dynamically update digital menu boards with personalised meal recommendations targeted to each individual client.

Workplace Safety

Employee safety has been a primary issue in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as increased awareness of workplace risks. Edge computing enables a new generation of enhanced safety applications based on computer vision and position monitoring.

Edge servers can employ camera feeds to automatically detect hazards such as unauthorised persons, a lack of PPE compliance, or risky behaviours such as running on the plant floor. Connected wearables and edge gateways can also enforce social distancing standards by tracking workers’ real-time positions and alerting them if they breach policies.

Smart Homes

Our homes are becoming smarter and more connected, as the number of IoT devices such as smart thermostats, lighting, appliances, and speakers constantly increases. Edge computing, in the form of smart home hubs, enables the local processing of data from all of these devices, reducing bandwidth utilisation while maintaining responsiveness.

Edge processing improves data privacy in the home by lowering dependency on cloud processing. Edge AI also enables low-latency smarts for upcoming home applications such as robot assistants and smart bathroom mirrors, enabling intuitive, intelligent experiences.

Edge computing presents potential in every business. Wherever real-time processing, increased security, data privacy, and cost savings are important, edge computing will provide enormous value. While the cloud will remain important, the future will be driven by intelligent systems that can smoothly divide compute across centralised and decentralised infrastructures.

Contact us at to schedule a consultation and explore the transformative potential of this innovative technology.