Innovator's Vista

Warehouse Automation for Quick Commerce

Innovator's Vista

Warehouse Automation for Quick Commerce

Automation, use of technology to perform tasks with reduced human assistance, is becoming more and more prevalent in the industries such as manufacturing, robotics, and automotives. It offers many benefits like increase in productivity, reduction in risk related to labor.

Warehouse automation i.e. blending of stores and warehouses and the use of warehouse robotics, conveyors and automation technologies in e-commerce, is also seen as having a lot of potential. These systems can eliminate labor-intensive and time-consuming duties hence free workers up to focus on more value-added tasks, like quality control.

Quick commerce, a unique business model where the delivery of goods and services is done within 10-30 minutes of ordering, has expedited need for automation. The complexity of the Indian warehouses given their density, smaller size, and abundantly available cost-effective labor, present another challenge.

Goods to Person (G2P) warehouse automation holds the potential satisfy the needs of their demanding consumers. G2P robotics are Goods to Person robots such as Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs).

Autonomous Mobile Robots – use on-board sensors and processors to autonomously move materials within a warehouse, without the need for wires, markers, or strips. AMRs can learn their environment and plan the route considering it, other AMRs, blocked pathways, and humans.

Automated Guided Vehicles – driverless, mobile vehicles guided by wires, magnetic strips, or sensors and restricted to following fixed routes. They can detect other robots, humans, or objects in front of them but must wait until the obstacle has cleared before they can continue.

Automated storage and retrieval systems: AS/RS, are made of a variation of computer-controlled systems that automatically place and retrieve loads from set storage locations in a facility with precision, accuracy and speed. Some of the systems that are used are: Vertical carousels, horizontal carousels, and Vertical Lift Modules (VLMs), Stacker Cranes, Pallet shuttles, Miniload systems, Cube based storage and Collaborative robots.

Automated Warehouses claim to allow deployment that is on average 10x faster with negligible installation capex and generate 3x higher ROI vs. competition. It also increases productivity by 3X, throughput by up to 50 percent, and space optimisation by up to 30 percent along with ensuring timely delivery of consumer orders.

A startup ecosystem is developing around this use case across the world. Warehouse Automation is one of the interesting new themes which are gaining popularity.

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