
Virtual Event to explore the digital screening technologies utilized at the point of care


Virtual Event to explore the digital screening technologies utilized at the point of care

Virtual Editon of Open Innovator interactive seminar was held on November 8th to learn and explore the digital screening technologies utilized at the point of care. 

The Online event had presentations from innovators and founders of three successful startups working in the field of ophthalmology, oncology, and pulmonology. There was also an opportunity for attendees to interact with these leading innovators from Periwinkle Technologies;  Remidio and alveofit. Key Medical Professionals also presented their views on the solutions.

Some Topics that were presented:

~ Non-invasive AI tool to indicate the early signs of Glaucoma, potentially preventing vision loss
~ Non-invasive AI based Cervical cancer screening to generate a report and create referrals
~ Digital Spirometry based Lung function test to indicate any Pulmonary risks

Dr Prashant Patel, Ms Veena Moktali, Mr Anand Sivaraman, Dr. Arvind Sivaramakrishnan, Mr Tony Raj, and Mr. Subhankar Basak Speaking at the event

The session was moderated by Shantanu Gaur, and Veena Moktali, Anand SivaramanDr.Prashant Patel were the speakers. Dr. Arvind Sivaramakrishnan, CIO, of Apollo Hospitals, and Tony Raj, Dean, St. John’s Research Institute were the guest speakers who pressed upon the need of mainstreaming innovative solutions that are scientifically and clinically backed. They also said that such solutions should not be only confined to primary healthcare but become part of the delivery model of healthcare services.

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Applied Innovation Industry 4.0

Intelligent Video Analytics Transforming Manufacturing, Hospitality, Transportation, Healthcare, Retail, etc

Applied Innovation Industry 4.0

Intelligent Video Analytics Transforming Manufacturing, Hospitality, Transportation, Healthcare, Retail, etc

Video analytics, also referred to as video content analysis or intelligent video analytics, in recent times has been at the center of attention in both the industry and the academic world.

Advances in Deep Learning aiding Video Analytics

With advances in Deep Learning research and expanded availability of video data, video analytics now allows for the automation of tasks that were once possible by a human intervention only. This allows it to be used in a number of applications ranging from monitoring traffic jams and alerting in real-time, to analyzing customers’ flow in retail to maximize sales.

In Deep Learning, a subset of AI, a machine is exposed to volumes of tagged data allowing it to learn and recognize and identify the same information in new data sets imitating the way a human works. Deep Learning offers advantages like faster analytic output, improved processing performance, and increased object detection, accuracy, and classification.

Intelligent video analytics automatically recognizes temporal and spatial events in videos and performs real-time monitoring but it can also be used to analyze historical data to find insights. It can recognize objects, object attributes, movement patterns, or behavior related to the monitored environment are detected.

Some applications

Video analytics has the potential to be widely used in industries such as manufacturing, hospitality, education, retail, and others. We are discussing a few of them.


Integrating video analytics into legacy CCTV systems can transform cameras into much more proactive intelligence tools that can be used to ensure the safety of patients, staff, and visitors. Some of the most common problems like theft, infant abduction, and drug diversion can be detected and checked.

Mental healthcare is another area in which video analytics can be used to analyze facial expressions, and body posture to alert the hospital staff. It can also play a role in the at-home monitoring of older adults or people with health issues

Further, the data collected can be used to generate insights that can help to shorten wait times and achieve business goals by managing the staff according to patterns in the footfall of patients.


Video analytics can be used in reducing accidents and traffic jams by dynamically adjusting traffic light control systems by monitoring traffic. By recognizing situations that may turn fatal in real-time, it can raise alerts, and even in the case of an accident, these systems can trigger an alarm to security and healthcare institutions to take action apart from that it can also serve as evidence in case of litigation.

Video analytics can also perform tasks like vehicle counting, speed cameras can detect traffic movements and license plate recognition can spots stolen vehicles or vehicles being used in a crime. It can also generate high-value statistics to assist in making infrastructure-related and other policy decisions.


The retail industry can use video analytics to generate insights and actionable information on customers’ behavior and buying patterns through their key characteristics like gender, age, duration and time of visit, walkways, etc. These algorithms can also be used to recognize previous customers and improve customer experience and provide personalized service. Video analytics can also play a role in developing anti-theft mechanisms by identifying shoplifters.


Video analytics can improve productivity, reduce downtime and ensure staff health at the manufacturing facility by enhancing operations and management efficiency.

Smart cameras can be used to predict potential interruptions, evaluate specific bottlenecks and reduce downtime by generating alerts to take proactive action immediately. It can also optimize the number of employees in the production facility and improve overall productivity. Inventory management can also be enhanced by analytics as the warehouses can be monitored for their capacity. The use of machine vision can help in inspection and improve quality control.

Video analytics can also warn of situations that may pose threats to people, products, or machines by detecting movements and identifying conditions. Video analytics can provide round-the-clock security and alert commercial as well as residential buildings and prevent potential break-ins.

Video Analytics Approach

Video content analysis can be done in real-time or post-processing. Also, it can be centrally on servers that are generally located in the monitoring station or can be embedded in the cameras themselves, some times a hybrid approach is adopted.

There are startups that are working on Video Analytics and have successfully deployed their solutions across various sectors such as hospitality, retail, manufacturing, pharma, and food. To more about evolving use-cases and startups in different domains please write to us at

Innovator's Vista

Smart Wearable Posture Trainer for Healthy Spine

Innovator's Vista

Smart Wearable Posture Trainer for Healthy Spine

Posture is the position of one’s body when they are standing or sitting. It defines how the spine is aligned with the head, shoulders, and hips. A Good posture means having a neutral spine so that there is no stress on muscle groups, joints, and ligaments. It keeps them aligned in a way that the body remains flexible and balanced. So posture is an important element of a person’s health and poor posture may lead to issues like back pain, spinal dysfunction, joint degeneration, rounded shoulders, etc.

The Corona pandemic caused a significant change in the lifestyle of a large population. With prolonged staying at the home, dependency on screens for work or otherwise has increased. This with the absence of any ergonomic set-up also led to a change in sitting position and thus to orthopedic conditions like back pain and neck pain.

To tackle this, Dipitr, a startup dedicated to developing innovative and delightful tech products for health and wellness, has launched a Smart Wearable Posture Trainer. The device is dedicated to people sitting more than 6 hours a day and having issues with back pain and posture problems.

The device named Strack is a habit-changing device and works on Biofeedback. Biofeedback is a mind-body technique in which individuals learn how to modify their physiology for the purpose of improving physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Patients learn to voluntarily control what were once thought to be involuntary body processes. This intervention requires specialized equipment to convert physiological signals into meaningful visual and auditory cues. Using a screen such as a computer monitor, patients get feedback that helps them develop control over their physiology. 

For using this device all it requires is attaching it onto the upper back with its included magnetic clasp or its adhesive. It comes with a mobile companion app, compatible with ios and android, that can be paired with a user’s smartphone that is used to calibrate the device to the correct posture. On poor posture, Strack gently vibrates and gives alert. With the App, posture improvement can be monitored and it also gives daily, weekly, and monthly progress reports. There are also posture workout videos and personalized goal based training to improve your posture and core muscles.

The App can also be used to easily adjust the vibration strength, alert time, and personalized posture training experience. The company claims that after use for 30 days it improves the core muscles and strengthens the back to give better and a healthy posture. The Strack Smart Posture Corrector can be bought directly from e-commerce websites.

Strack was launched by Amir Valani in 2019, after carrying out extensive research into the human spine, and its effects on overall health and wellbeing, to develop an innovative way to train ourselves to sit upright.

Innovator's Vista

Innovators’ Meet held at GAVS Campus in Chennai

Innovator's Vista

Innovators’ Meet held at GAVS Campus in Chennai

This week, the third edition of Innovators’ Meet was held at GAVS Campus in Chennai.

The meet had presence of investors, industry partners, business professionals and innovators from IoT, AI, ML, Robotics and other deep tech domains. 

The theme of the foregathering was “Meet the Innovators and the Innovation,” and the motive was to bring the three I’s of the ecosystem. i.e. the Industry leaders, investors, and innovators together to stimulate technology-driven innovation (Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of things (IoT) and unleash cocreation & entrepreneurial creativity.

The Startups, Humors, Vyli, Reprosci, Nautilus,, Aikenist, RHEMOS, Arficus, Dnome, Medtel, Neodocs, TeraLumen, MedloTek Health, eVitalz, Mocero Health, Vulhunt, Inaluz, zMed, Luecine Rich Bio, Frinks, Tagbox, Neurostellar, Punar, Padmaseetha, pwens, and Nura, pitched their products before the investors. Most of the 25 startups that participated were from Healthtech industry, few startups were from Robotics and Cybersecurity.

Innovators’ Meet held at GAVS Campus in Chennai

The Meet hosted speakers such Mr. Chandra Mouleshwaran S from GAVS, Prof. Nandan; Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Mr. Chandramouli; Ex-CIO of Sankar Nethralaya, Mr. Balaji Upili;  CEO of GS Lab and GAVS, Mrs. Kushboo Goel; Senior Consultant Healthcare  and  Navaratan Kataria; Director, Startup Engagement Innovation & International partnerships, NASSCOM COE.

Attendees from startups included Ankur Jaiswal, Pooja H S,  T Udaya Raga Kiran, Apurva Sule, Ashwin Amrapuram, Aamod Wagh, Sandeep Singh, Divya Sriram, Dr Lalit Ranjan, Pratik Lodha, Dr Jyoti Dash, Sharmila Devadoss, Nanda Kumar, Palaniappan N, Akash, Deepak Gupta, Jayakanth, Kumar Aditya Agarwal, Adarsh Kumar, Dhanushya, Charmi, Gowri, Joseph Jegan, and Dr Tausif. 

Some of the notable attendees include Muthu Singaram; CEO, IIT Madras HTIC Incubator,  Akhilesh Agarwal from Pi Ventures, Adarsh B N from Derbi Foundation, Sanjay Selvan; speciale Invest and Himanshu Sikka from IPE Global.

There are plans to organise Innovators’ Meet every month at a different city so as to bring entrepreneurs and investors together in promoting emerging innovation and technologies that are transforming our future.

Innovator's Vista

AI-driven health tech platform optimising care management

Innovator's Vista

AI-driven health tech platform optimising care management

With the increased digitization in healthcare, immense amount of data is being generated, as a result data analytics and artificial intelligence are increasingly being applied within this field. Several types of AI are already being employed by payers and providers of care, and life sciences companies. These advanced technologies are transforming many aspects like providing high quality patient care, responding to real-time situations and saving more lives on the clinical front; and optimising the use of resources, improving the processes and services and reducing the costs on the operational and financial front.

Patient care management, a program that involves comprehensive health services to assist patients in managing their health, is also one of the fields where these advanced technologies can play a significant role. A B2B healthtech startup, HEAPS, is already working on this. The Startup provides SaaS and Platform that leverages data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning and creates care management systems.

Care management systems for insurers, hospitals, corporates and patients:

Heaps, working with the aim to revolutionise healthcare delivery and payment models at a global level, has created care management systems for insurers, hospitals, corporates and patients.

For Corporates, the company helps in improving the quality of care and support health care support to employees while reducing group policy premiums. It ensures comprehensive health care for employees and their dependents with 24/7 support and data on call for employees as well as corporations to pre-empt future health and resource risks. Heaps also provides personalised health care plans for the mental and physical well-being of employees, thus  can improved employee loyalty and satisfaction. The startup has also designed a “Risk Severity Index” that helps patients understand their health better and prevent complications and thus reduces hospitalisations.

For Hospitals, it can help in reducing 30 day readmissions and preponement of discharge by analysis of areas of concern. This leads to increase in patient satisfaction and stickiness. It can also result in better performance by analysis of complaints and satisfaction scores at a Specialty & Doctor level. It helps in generating revenue for Hospitals through Cross-speciality referrals, Home care Nursing, Physiotherapy, Diagnostic and other ancillary medical services. There is also a “Health Compliance & Risk Management (HCRM)” program that provides proactive outreach, personalised care management and real-time risk assessment to improve patient outcomes. 

For Insurers, the startup helps in reducing their cost of hospitalisation and rehospitalisation by actively monitoring patients’ needs and reduce unwarranted hospitalisation and health care costs. By leveraging past analysed data any avoidable deterioration of health of the patient can also be predicted and can be followed by adequate action.


Founded in the year 2020, the company is expanding its presence in India, with offices in Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru. Heaps has also been successful in making inroads into the North American market and plans to enter Europe and the MENA region this year. The company has also raised a Series A fund of $7.4 million in January 2022 and is backed by well known investors.