Fintech Applied Innovation

AI-Based Models aiding Financial Institutions with Credit Score Assessments

Fintech Applied Innovation

AI-Based Models aiding Financial Institutions with Credit Score Assessments

Artificial intelligence has been around for a while now, and technology is only getting more capable. From self-driving cars to personal digital assistants, AI is integrating into our daily lives in ever-more sophisticated ways. In this article, we’ll explore how artificial intelligence can help financial institutions to generate credit reports and make lending decisions.

Importance of Credit Score for FI

A credit score is the first thing lenders check when you apply for a loan or a credit card. This three-digit numeric is a summary of the entire credit history that determines a consumer’s creditworthiness, the higher the score, the better the borrower’s chances of getting a loan. It is prepared based on lenders’ data and consolidated in the Credit Information Report or CIR. Criteria such as payment history, credit utilization ratio, Credit history length, Credit mix, etc are factored in for this. 

Limitations of Traditional Credit Scores

Although credit scoring systems are being implemented and used by most banks nowadays, they have limitations and can’t be used to make accurate predictions. The score depends upon the quality of data that is used, if the data is erroneous with missing values or outliers the resultant scores may not be accurate. Along with the availability of high-quality data, the data should also be predictive so conclusions can be drawn from it and defaults can be predicted. Traditional credit scores due to the limitations discussed are getting outdated and even irrelevant in some cases. 

AI-based Credit Scoring

Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a role here and make precise predictions based on smart models. AI through its cutting-edge analytical technologies can hugely impact the financial sector and can offer excellent returns on their investment. AI-based credit scoring unlike focusing on the past performance of the borrower can be more sensitive to real-time indicators of a potential borrower like the existing level of earnings, employment prospects, and their potential ability to earn. These models can also give individualized credit score assessments based on real-time factors, giving access to finance to more people with income potential.

With these scoring models, banks also can get unique insights into their customers’ financial behavior and leading to better customer segmentation in terms of associated credit risk. Also after the disbursement of the loan these customers can be monitored and red flags can be raised as soon as a behavior is deviant from standard practices. With the help of AI, it is also possible to speed up lending decisions and processing of loans leading to better customer service and productivity of employees.

Credit scores are determined by algorithms neural network-based scoring. A neural network is a machine-like system that can learn from data and make decisions based on those data sets. These types of scoring can detect small variations in data sets and make more accurate predictions and can help solve the problem of credit scoring. As these models can learn from data without requiring any rules-based algorithms they can better assess the credit risk. With these advantages, financial institutions are relying on machine learning to process big data and produce better insights.

Alternatives to Credit Score

Data points produced by a large number of digital transactions can offer valuable insight into how people manage their financial commitments. There are endeavors going on for developing alternatives to create credit score models based on AI methods to evaluate a person’s creditworthiness, particularly for those who do not have a formal credit repayment history.

In the various financial institutions, these solutions are being implemented at different levels and improving how they operate. Please contact us at open-innovator@quotients.Com if you would like additional information or explore this and other rapidly evolving solutions in a variety of fields.

Applied Innovation Fintech

How is Artificial Intelligence Impacting Corporate Banking

Applied Innovation Fintech

How is Artificial Intelligence Impacting Corporate Banking

With FinTech posing a challenge to the traditional banks and disrupting their core financial services, it has pushed the banks to innovate to remain relevant. There is an increased reliance on Artificial Intelligence (AI) by the banks to meet the competition posed by the FinTech players.

The impact of AI in retail banking can already be seen in retail banking, like customer service chatbots, credit scoring, and the use of data analytics in the segregation of customers and pitching of customized products. AI has also the potential to be leveraged in corporate banking and is being recognized now. Some of the application of AI in corporate banking is being discussed here.

Detect Money Laundering

AI can equip banks with technologically intelligent weapons to help detect money laundering. AI can be used to monitor and scan customer profiles and finding the origin of funds and identify high-risk individuals. Transactions can also be monitored to raise alerts in case of aberration from the regular transaction. Machine learning models can also be used to detect changes in customer behavior and the nature of their transactions. ML can also reduce the number of false alerts effectively compared to traditional anti money laundering devices.

Eliminate Discrimination in Lending

Apart from transaction data and data provided to the bank, AI can also analyze large amounts of external data related to customers like professional, institutional, political, and social like the information in media, social networks, and the public through natural language processing. Financial institutions can thus eliminate discrimination in lending, and to make credit decisions. Algorithms can assist in making the right credit decisions and improve customer relations.

Cross-Selling and Offering Tailored Services

AI-based solutions can equip Relationship Managers (RMs) to provide appropriate and timely advice to their clients by scanning their profiles and transaction history and generating the products best suited for them. This can help banks in cross-selling and offering tailored services By using predictive analytics and algorithms to analyze client behaviors, it can generate inputs in between the conversations and help close the deal.

Reducing Turnaround Time

Through Robotic process automation– using software robots — labor-intensive and repetitive tasks can be drastically reduced and turnaround time for various services and productivity of employees can be improved. It can play an important role in automatic report generation, account opening, customer onboarding, loan processing, and a wide range of back-office processes. Thus, by automating manual business procedures AI allows banks to stay competitive in an ever-evolving market.

Big Data for Predictive Analytics

Banks generate huge amounts of data through interactions and transactions. This can be analyzed by helping banks to comprehend all those client interactions and predict future behavior and providing them with valuable insights.

There are various solution is being deployed at various levels in the banking industry and having a positive impact on their functioning. To know the details and discuss more on this as well as other evolving solutions in multiple domains please write to us at

Applied Innovation Healthtech

AI-assisted Digital Physiotherapy resulting in Positive Outcome for Patients

Applied Innovation Healthtech

AI-assisted Digital Physiotherapy resulting in Positive Outcome for Patients

The digital economy saw accelerated growth during the covid19 outbreak. The pandemic presented many windfall opportunities for digital technologies– represented by the Internet, big data, 5G, and artificial intelligence– to expedite their deep integration with industries such as retail, finance, mobility, manufacturing, healthcare, etc.

Digital Health

Digital health, the use of information and communications technologies in health professions to address illnesses and health risks and to facilitate wellness, was increasingly leveraged world over to accelerate, compliment, and optimize health care service during the pandemic and it continues to evolve. There is an increasing trend among people relying on digital platforms for their well-being.

Digital Physiotherapy

Digital Physiotherapy is one of the applications in the digital healthcare domain that is gaining popularity and physical therapists around the globe are making use of technological advancements for providing care to their patients. It relies on smartphone-based computer vision for motion tracking and an app for functioning. Motion tracking, a subfield of computer vision and an extension of object recognition follow and monitors the motion of a person or object across multiple frames in a video.

Digital Physiotherapy Positively Impacts Patient Management

This has great potential to positively impact patient management as these solutions are scalable and can overcome obstacles like cost as these patients can recover from the comfort of their homes and also save on medical expenses and time. Such solutions can also be individualized to meet patient and clinician needs and expectations. But there are also challenges like lack of standardization and require more reliable measures of evaluation than those existing at present.

There are solutions that are coming up and are using this technology to capture exercise data like the speed and range of motion of the patient. This data is monitored by a team of experts who engage through video calls and messaging. There is also an option for real-time corrective feedback to ensure that the recommendations are being followed and to provide personalized care.

AI Assisted Care

Digital physiotherapy solutions depend on an app to help patients choose a time of treatment according to their convenience and interact with the physiotherapist in real time. There are also options for the patients to know all their details as they can access all their records all the time. The patients can conduct the exercise sessions at the time they choose and get guidance through AI (Artificial Intelligence) so there is no need for the doctors to be present every time. Therefore, it saves time both for physiotherapists and the patients allowing for the treatment of more patients.

As the whole process is virtual so the treatment can be done through a compact personal studio rather than a clinic saving large costs on rent and maintenance. Automated record tracking and clubbing together of identical cases can help the physiotherapists to study the process and outcomes and come up with standardized treatment saving time and effort.

This digital physiotherapy solution is being deployed at various levels in the healthcare industry and receiving positive feedback. To know the details and discuss more on this as well as other evolving solutions in multiple domains please write to us at

Applied Innovation Healthtech

Bionics with Neural Prostheses and 3D Printing helps meet the challenge of Limb differences

Applied Innovation Healthtech

Bionics with Neural Prostheses and 3D Printing helps meet the challenge of Limb differences

Limb differences are more common than what is thought and a significant population is living with this condition. Limb differences is a condition when an arm or leg is not shaped in the normal way or limb i.e. the arms or legs may be might be shorter than the other or missing or deformed. Limb differences can be congenital, when a child is born with it, or acquired, that happens after birth due to any trauma or injury.

People living with limb loss face unique challenges ranging from immobility to depression and financial hardships. In this situation receiving a prosthesis may come to aid and help alleviate some of these challenges. A prosthetic implant, i.e. an artificial device that replaces a missing body part, can ensure the restoration of functional mobility, and optimize the person’s quality of life and satisfaction.

3D printing technologies and Additive Manufacturing

3D printing technologies with Additive manufacturing have an interesting aspect in this field of prosthetics. These technologies use data computer-aided design (CAD) software or 3D object scanners to direct hardware to deposit material, layer upon layer, in particular geometric forms.

As opposed to traditional means, i.e. removing material through milling, machining, etc additive manufacturing adds material to create an object. It also has advantages like lightweight and compact designs as well as it is easy to manufacture. It is assessed that this manufacturing technology in the future may play a significant role in replacing human organ transplants, and significantly speeding-up surgical procedures.

Neural prostheses and Bionics

Advancements in Bionics, replication of biological systems by mechanical and electronic systems, and Neural prostheses, assistive devices that restore lost neurological functions, have led to brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) that can restore communication or motor function to individuals. The researchers have designed a soft, lightweight, and low-cost neuroprosthetic hand. The hand designed with a system for tactile feedback can restore some of the primitive sensations in a volunteer’s residual limb and can help perform daily activities, such as switching lights on, zipping a suitcase, driving cars, etc.

This solution is being deployed at various levels in the healthcare industry and has been certified by the public institutions. To know the details and discuss more on this as well as other evolving solutions in multiple domains please write to us at

Applied Innovation Industry 4.0

Intelligent Video Analytics Transforming Manufacturing, Hospitality, Transportation, Healthcare, Retail, etc

Applied Innovation Industry 4.0

Intelligent Video Analytics Transforming Manufacturing, Hospitality, Transportation, Healthcare, Retail, etc

Video analytics, also referred to as video content analysis or intelligent video analytics, in recent times has been at the center of attention in both the industry and the academic world.

Advances in Deep Learning aiding Video Analytics

With advances in Deep Learning research and expanded availability of video data, video analytics now allows for the automation of tasks that were once possible by a human intervention only. This allows it to be used in a number of applications ranging from monitoring traffic jams and alerting in real-time, to analyzing customers’ flow in retail to maximize sales.

In Deep Learning, a subset of AI, a machine is exposed to volumes of tagged data allowing it to learn and recognize and identify the same information in new data sets imitating the way a human works. Deep Learning offers advantages like faster analytic output, improved processing performance, and increased object detection, accuracy, and classification.

Intelligent video analytics automatically recognizes temporal and spatial events in videos and performs real-time monitoring but it can also be used to analyze historical data to find insights. It can recognize objects, object attributes, movement patterns, or behavior related to the monitored environment are detected.

Some applications

Video analytics has the potential to be widely used in industries such as manufacturing, hospitality, education, retail, and others. We are discussing a few of them.


Integrating video analytics into legacy CCTV systems can transform cameras into much more proactive intelligence tools that can be used to ensure the safety of patients, staff, and visitors. Some of the most common problems like theft, infant abduction, and drug diversion can be detected and checked.

Mental healthcare is another area in which video analytics can be used to analyze facial expressions, and body posture to alert the hospital staff. It can also play a role in the at-home monitoring of older adults or people with health issues

Further, the data collected can be used to generate insights that can help to shorten wait times and achieve business goals by managing the staff according to patterns in the footfall of patients.


Video analytics can be used in reducing accidents and traffic jams by dynamically adjusting traffic light control systems by monitoring traffic. By recognizing situations that may turn fatal in real-time, it can raise alerts, and even in the case of an accident, these systems can trigger an alarm to security and healthcare institutions to take action apart from that it can also serve as evidence in case of litigation.

Video analytics can also perform tasks like vehicle counting, speed cameras can detect traffic movements and license plate recognition can spots stolen vehicles or vehicles being used in a crime. It can also generate high-value statistics to assist in making infrastructure-related and other policy decisions.


The retail industry can use video analytics to generate insights and actionable information on customers’ behavior and buying patterns through their key characteristics like gender, age, duration and time of visit, walkways, etc. These algorithms can also be used to recognize previous customers and improve customer experience and provide personalized service. Video analytics can also play a role in developing anti-theft mechanisms by identifying shoplifters.


Video analytics can improve productivity, reduce downtime and ensure staff health at the manufacturing facility by enhancing operations and management efficiency.

Smart cameras can be used to predict potential interruptions, evaluate specific bottlenecks and reduce downtime by generating alerts to take proactive action immediately. It can also optimize the number of employees in the production facility and improve overall productivity. Inventory management can also be enhanced by analytics as the warehouses can be monitored for their capacity. The use of machine vision can help in inspection and improve quality control.

Video analytics can also warn of situations that may pose threats to people, products, or machines by detecting movements and identifying conditions. Video analytics can provide round-the-clock security and alert commercial as well as residential buildings and prevent potential break-ins.

Video Analytics Approach

Video content analysis can be done in real-time or post-processing. Also, it can be centrally on servers that are generally located in the monitoring station or can be embedded in the cameras themselves, some times a hybrid approach is adopted.

There are startups that are working on Video Analytics and have successfully deployed their solutions across various sectors such as hospitality, retail, manufacturing, pharma, and food. To more about evolving use-cases and startups in different domains please write to us at

Applied Innovation Industry 4.0

No Code RTLS Platform can enhance Safety and Productivity

Applied Innovation Industry 4.0

No Code RTLS Platform can enhance Safety and Productivity

RTLS or Real-time locating systems are used to determine an item or person’s location accurately. RTLS, rather than a specific technology, is a collection of methods for locating and managing assets. These systems generate location data and depending on the application the collected data can be used for employee tracking and high-value asset tracking in industries such as manufacturing, mining, healthcare, etc. The components of RTLS consist of a transponder, a receiver, and software to interpret each data. Due to the increasing focus on industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, and technological advancements such as IoT, the demand for RTLS is soaring.

Location Data Ensuring Visibility

Location is also a key element in a comprehensive IoT solution that can have a significant impact on the revenues of any company. It can give businesses complete visibility into their operations, from the movement of people to the monitoring of assets. The analysis of this data can help an organization to derive valuable insights which can lead to more informed decision-making, optimization of processes, and streamlined costs.

Supply Chain Management

Timing is very crucial in the supply chain, location data can make the value chain completely visible to decision-makers helping them streamline operations and increase productivity. This also can ensure predictive analytics to refine performance and boost productivity by identifying lag time and areas for improvement. It can also bring down the operating costs with detailed and optimal transportation routes.

RTLS through data of the assets can help in optimal use and inventory stocking. With this, it enables better asset tracking, and material handling systems, reducing accidents and asset losses. Multiple activities can be monitored at once — supply chain, warehousing, transportation, etc so it can thus streamline processes and increase customer satisfaction.


In Manufacturing Industry, workers’ data on their location and wearable sensors collect data about their health parameters that can be analyzed against standard parameters to predict behavior patterns and improve their productivity along with preventing workers’ injuries and ensuring safety. With this, by leveraging location data with IoT data, manufacturers can better sense the manufacturing and supply chain processes, improve demand forecasting, and achieve faster time to market.


In the Healthcare industry, RTLS through data collection on medical equipment location and usage and staff and patient interactions can ensure compliance reporting by gathering important data. RTLS data if integrated with other sources like electronic health records and maintenance management systems can be used to give comprehensive information across the healthcare enterprise leading to improvements for healthcare facilities and their patients.

No-Code/ Low Code RTLS Platform

There are some hurdles in the implementation of RTLS in any organization. Apart from the leadership hurdle, some enterprises focus on certain aspects more heavily than others. In this respect, the No-Code/ Low Code RTLS Platform is a programming platform that enables non-technical users to build applications by visual development interface and, dragging and dropping software applications. Such modular and configurable solutions can give flexibility to organizations to configure their rules and alerts according to their requirement and also lead to quick deployment.

Quotients is also engaged with matured startups that are working on this solution helping the above-mentioned as well as other sectors to greatly enhance their functioning through the acceptance and integration of new technologies into their existing systems. To know more about these and for collaboration and partnership opportunities please write to us at

Applied Innovation Enterprise Innovation

No-Code Platform for Enterprise Metaverse

Applied Innovation Enterprise Innovation

No-Code Platform for Enterprise Metaverse

The pandemic has altered the way we live, there is an increased presence of technology in every domain of our lives.  Across industries, a shift in the fundamentals is taking place. Amid all this, Metaverse, a technological innovation that holds power to transform the way businesses function across multiple sectors, has come into existence.


As described by Meta, formerly facebook, the metaverse is a “set of virtual spaces where you can create and explore with other people who aren’t in the same physical space as you.”  The word doesn’t refer to a certain type of technology as such but a shift in how we interact with technology. The technologies referred to as “the metaverse” discussed include cutting-edge technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), a hybrid of AR and VR, and blockchain. 

This internet’s transition from 2D websites to 3D cyberspaces is having an impact on industries such as Healthcare, defense, education, manufacturing, automotive, supply chain, real estate, etc. This has forced the bulk of major companies to have a metaverse strategy on how they can take advantage of the metaverse’s potential. The term ‘enterprise metaverse’ has come into the picture which by definition, is a metaverse that enables business growth opportunities for an enterprise.

Enterprise Metaverse

Enterprise metaverse refers to an immersive virtual environment– digitization of existing applications and processes for businesses– that enables companies to explore new digital possibilities and reach global audiences, drive engagement, create meaningful connections, train employees, etc. By creating Metaverse Apps for processes, operations, and infrastructure enterprises can greatly improve their operations. Digital twins i.e. real-time digital copies of a physical object are building blocks of the metaverse.

Enterprise Metaverse and Digital Twins

Synchronized with the physical world using sensors and IoT connections, Digital Twins are foundational to enabling the enterprise metaverse. These sensors produce data about different aspects of simple assets or products to complex environments which are then relayed to a processing system (on the edge/cloud) and applied to a digital twin and give one centralized view bundled in a web/mobile/XR app. Software techniques can be used for these models and analytics can be run to gain insights and predict changes before they happen. The gained insights from the simulated copy can be applied to the real-world twin in the physical environment to realize the benefits.

No-code platform solution for building Enterprise Metaverse

Businesses are adopting the enterprise metaverse in the form of digital twins to get an edge over their peers but creating virtual models of factories is not an easy task despite the available resources for it. Quotients has been engaging with startups working on no-code platform solutions for building enterprise metaverse applications such as digital twins. No-code is software in the form of service that allows users to customize any type of digital product or environment with little to no coding experience.

This solution can connect data with sensors equipment leading to video feeds in an interactive 3d workspace. The patented technology offers process automation, visual programming tools, and 3rd party integrations to build software without any programming knowledge. The users can create and publish workflows and run applications on multiple platforms by connecting sensors and devices, importing existing 3d models, and mapping 3d events interactions.

To know more about such innovative solutions and evolving use cases in different domains along with collaboration and partnership opportunities please write us at

Applied Innovation Enterprise Innovation

Blockchain based Anti-counterfeit solution

Applied Innovation Enterprise Innovation

Blockchain based Anti-counterfeit solution

Surge in Online Shopping

The growth in online shopping has seen a spectacular increase in last few years. The retail e commerce sales worldwide is expected to climb a further 16.8% this year, to $4.921 trillion. This rapid acceleration of online buying was fueled by the pandemic, several countries like India, Brazil, Russia, and Argentina are witnessing significant expansion in e commerce.

Areas of Concern

Although online shopping has many factors of concern like data security, customer loyalty, unexpected price changes, economic uncertainty, inventory overload etc but counterfeited products sold online to unsuspecting consumers is one of the major concerns. Phone chargers, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics are common items whose counterfeit products are often sold online at a considerably lower price.

Counterfeiting Impacting Brand Reputation

Counterfeiting is not only impacting not just sales and profits but also brand reputation. Brands and organizations strive to improve their brand identity and expanding their market share by constantly working on developing unique and innovative products but if the end consumers do not get access to these features because of infiltration of fake products results in the brands suffering massive losses.

There are also certain risks health risks associated with these counterfeits products, like electrocution or exposure to harmful chemicals that can cause serious damage to customers health. It has thus become pertinent that brands and organizations guarantee the authenticity of their products as the customers move towards more online purchases.

Groundbreaking Technology

To address this need of ensuring that authentic products reach the end consumer, Quotients has been working with different startups to come up with a solution. In this quest, we have come across a groundbreaking technology that employs AI, cryptography, and blockchain to add a cryptographic signature to the parcels. This signature can be used to verify the authenticity of products by a user’s mobile device through an app. Also, there is no need to change the existing package design and printing process by the client.

How it works

Blockchain is used with IoT and NFC tags to provides stakeholders with the visibility a product’s entire history. Blockchain creates immutable digital records, as a permanent ledger, any data stored stays for all the time. As each piece of information is encrypted individually to make a change rest of the nodes in the network need to agree which makes it impossible for the fraudsters and instances of fraud can be easily detected.

NFC, or near field communication, a popular wireless technology that allows transfer of data between two devices that are in close proximity, is a tamper-proof tag that is used to give each product a unique identifier.

As the product goes through the distribution chain, operators scan the NFC tag and upload information about its current state to the blockchain. Because all signatures are cryptographic, the system can provide complete security and transparency. The blockchain serves as a permanent data repository and while NFC tags prevents tampering with real objects.


Application of anti counterfeit solutions depends primarily on the needs of industry and respective supply chains. In agriculture, this solution can be used to check illegally-produced goods that may pose a real risk to human health. The pharmaceutical industry is another popular target where false drugs are counterfeited as genuine by refilling empty containers or using fake labels. Here such solution can be used to combat such activities and save life and prevent harmful effects on patients.

These innovations also find application ensure premium beverages, food and tobacco products. With the globalization of food products and producers working in different areas better opportunities these solutions can help tracking and monitoring of supply chain and ensuring delivery of genuine products.


By ensuring the delivery of authentic product, the solution leads to brand loyalty and along with this it generates rich data on interactions in supply chain, checks cross border sales, helps in warranty management and in reducing carbon footprint by constant monitoring of supply chain.

To know more of such innovative solutions and evolving use cases in different domains along with collaboration and partnership opportunities please write us at

Applied Innovation Healthtech

Digital Microscopy – Enabling Telepathology and Better Diagnostics

Applied Innovation Healthtech

Digital Microscopy – Enabling Telepathology and Better Diagnostics

Role of Microscopy in Diagnostics

Microscopy is an important part of pathology research where pathologists using microscopes check abnormalities in specimen like cells, tissues, or organs to study the changes that occur when they are affected by disease. Microscopes, camera, and imaging software system is utilized to detect that would not be able to be seen with their naked eye, for example subtle differences in color, or the number of certain cells in a specimen.

Advent of Digital Pathology

Digital pathology, largely developed over the last decade, has become essential to adapt and lead in the rapidly changing environment. The technology is widely used here to create and support digital pathology i.e. for performing pathologic analysis and managing the information associated with this activity.

AI/ML-based solutions for primary diagnosis

In low resource settings,  the absence of trained professionals require the movement of the physical slides, patients, or professionals for consultation between the urban and rural centers which is time consuming and an expensive proposition. Digital pathology holds the potential to bridge this gap. The advent of smart phones and tablets with usage increasing with each generation in both the urban and rural areas, coupled with AI/ML-based quantifying solutions built with digital scanners, can address the issues like primary diagnosis and training in remote areas effectively.

An Integrated Digital Microscopes

A new integrated digital microscope  has been developed high magnification mobile phone/tablet microscope that provides high-quality images. The microscopes are battery operated and with this are portable, lightweight, compact with ergonomic design.

According to the company claims, the microscopes are durable, efficient for any work environment and can can also be easily setup in a few steps. It has 1000X zoom and more than 30fps recording and integrated with video-conference options.  It also have micrometry  and annotation ability.

The Digital Microscopes also come with remote viewing tool that allows medical professionals to practice telepathology — the practice of medical diagnosis facilitated by digital transmission of pathological data using telecommunication data. This can ensure consistent flow of work across geographical boundaries and devices allows for conducting consultations, across geographical differences and multiple devices, enabling second opinions and slide discussions.

There is also an option to store unique and important cases through its digital imaging and micrometry tools that can be read and analyzed later and serve as case study and ground for coming to important conclusions.


Quality medical treatment can be a challenge in remote areas, so this startup is offering an important technology helping patients to see better medical outcomes, reduce liability and result in significant time savings for the hospital, pathology lab and surgical personnel.

To know more of such innovative solutions and evolving use cases in different domains along with collaboration and partnership opportunities please write us at