Applied Innovation

Unleashing Immersive Experiences with No Code XR Platform

Applied Innovation

Unleashing Immersive Experiences with No Code XR Platform

Technology has undergone a fundamental transition in recent years towards immersive digital experiences, or Extended Reality (XR). Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) are all included in one multidimensional environment, giving users an unheard-before level of engagement with the digital world.

Extended Reality (XR) serves as an overarching term that envelops a diverse array of technologies aimed at merging the realms of the physical and virtual worlds. This innovative spectrum comprises various facets, including Virtual Reality (VR), which engrosses users within entirely digital immersive environments, often necessitating VR headsets for a comprehensive experience. Augmented Reality (AR) enriches reality by superimposing digital elements onto the tangible world, often accessible through smartphones or AR glasses. Furthermore, Mixed Reality (MR) amalgamates the attributes of VR and AR, facilitating the interaction between digital entities and the genuine environment, resulting in a seamless integration of virtual and real elements. While historically the creation of these experiences required complex coding abilities, a game-changing option has emerged: the no-code XR platform.

Democratization of XR experience production

No Code XR Platforms are paradigm-shifting tools that enable anybody to create XR content. It refers to a technology platform that enables the creation of extended reality (XR) experiences without requiring traditional programming or coding skills. XR refers to a spectrum of technologies that combine both physical and virtual environments, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). No code platforms aim to democratize the creation of XR content by allowing individuals with various skill levels to design and develop immersive experiences without writing complex code.

No Code Platforms

Traditional XR development typically involves programming in languages, however, not everyone has the technical expertise to code, and this can create a barrier to entry for creating XR content. No-code platforms aim to solve this problem by offering user-friendly tools that allow individuals to create XR experiences using visual interfaces and pre-built components, eliminating the need for coding.

No Code XR Platforms encompass a range of compelling features that streamline the creation of immersive extended reality experiences: A Visual Interface serves as the cornerstone, enabling users to effortlessly arrange and manipulate scene elements through intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, eliminating the need for manual code-writing. These platforms also boast Component Libraries, housing a rich array of pre-designed 3D models, animations, effects, and interactive assets, empowering users to easily construct their XR experiences. Logic and Interaction Design capabilities empower users to craft intricate interactions and behaviors, seamlessly connecting components and configuring triggers, conditions, and responses. Furthermore, Integration capabilities enable these platforms to interface with external services, APIs, or databases, facilitating the real-time retrieval of data that elevates the interactive experience. Upon completion of the XR creation process, these platforms offer a straightforward Publishing process, equipping users with the means to deploy their crafted content across various devices and platforms—ranging from VR headsets and AR glasses to smartphones—ensuring widespread accessibility.

Use Cases

No code XR platforms have found diverse applications across various domains: In the realm of Training and Education, these platforms offer a powerful tool for crafting immersive training simulations and educational content, eliminating the need for educators or trainers to possess coding skills. This enables the creation of engaging learning experiences that facilitate better understanding and retention. In the sphere of Marketing and Sales, these platforms empower marketers to develop interactive product demonstrations and augmented reality advertisements, enabling them to effectively showcase products or services without the reliance on a specialized development team. For Design and Prototyping, designers can leverage these platforms to swiftly prototype XR concepts and experiences, offering stakeholders a tangible and interactive preview of their ideas, which is invaluable for decision-making and refining design elements. Moreover, even in the realm of Entertainment, hobbyists and creative individuals can take charge of crafting their own interactive games, narratives, or immersive art installations, allowing them to explore their artistic visions without the necessity of coding expertise.

Emerging key players

Within the realm of no-code XR platforms, several key players have emerged, each offering unique and compelling solutions for creating immersive extended reality experiences. One platform provides users with a comprehensive toolkit, enabling them to effortlessly craft XR experiences that seamlessly merge the digital and physical worlds. Another emphasizes the creation of immersive encounters, adopting a no-code approach that simplifies the process of building captivating experiences. Yet another platform offers a streamlined pathway to develop XR encounters, ensuring that users can construct these experiences without the need for intricate coding knowledge. Another innovation in this arena fosters a simplified method to create XR experiences, eliminating the requirement for coding expertise. Finally, a platform is dedicated to facilitating the creation of XR experiences tailored for a diverse range of applications. Through these distinct offerings, the landscape of no-code XR platforms is transforming the way individuals and businesses engage with the world of extended reality.

Benefits and Challenges

The adoption of no-code XR platforms presents both significant benefits and notable challenges. On the positive side, these platforms democratize the process of XR content creation, making it accessible to a broader spectrum of individuals, regardless of their technical background. By facilitating the creation of XR experiences without coding requirements, these platforms expedite development timelines and dismantle the traditional entry barriers that impede creative participation. However, challenges persist. While no code platforms offer a simplified approach to XR development, more advanced features and tailored customization might necessitate the involvement of traditional coding practices. Moreover, given the intricacy of XR experiences, a certain level of technical understanding may still be required to fully exploit the potential of these platforms and create sophisticated, immersive content.

In conclusion, a “no code XR platform” is a tool that empowers non-programmers to create immersive XR experiences by providing intuitive visual interfaces, pre-built assets, and simplified interaction design. It enables individuals to explore their creativity and contribute to the world of extended reality without needing to learn complex coding languages.

Applied Innovation

Avatars as a Service: Opportunities and Challenges

Applied Innovation

Avatars as a Service: Opportunities and Challenges

The phrase “avatars as a service” describes the development and usage of virtual representations of individuals or fictional characters in various internet settings. Chatbots, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and human control can all be used to power avatars. Customer service, entertainment, education, health, and other uses for avatars are possible.

Different techniques

Different methods may be used to create 3D avatars. The first technique, known as 3D scanning, is taking a person’s face or body in three dimensions using a smartphone or other specialized device. After processing, the final scan is uploaded to the cloud so that it may be further changed and animated. This service is provided by businesses employing a portable 3D body scanner. A different technique is known as “selfie-based,” in which an avatar is made based on a selfie or photograph of a person’s face. To analyze the image and produce a 3D representation that can be altered and animated, artificial intelligence and machine learning are utilized. The third approach is known as “template-based,” and it enables users to either build an avatar from scratch or edit an existing one with different features and settings. A company that provides this service enables customers to make avatars that can digitally try on apparel and accessories. This method allows for the creation of unique, inventive, and versatile avatars. Avatars as a service make it easy and accessible for users to create their own avatars and use them across different platforms and applications. Depending on the provider and method, the process of creating an avatar can vary in complexity and duration, but the general steps remain the same.

Different Use Cases

Avatars have gained new relevance in recent years as more companies and organizations employ them for a variety of use cases. Avatars are changing different sectors of the economy and may be utilized for a variety of tasks, including customer service, entertainment, education, health, and so on. Customers may have a more interesting and personalized experience thanks to avatars. They are able to conversely aid clients with their questions and offer fixes to their issues. An avatar of a customer service agent, for instance, may assist a consumer with placing an order or guiding them through a troubleshooting procedure. Customers can be welcomed and given introductory information about a company or product using avatars.

In order to give consumers more immersive and captivating experiences, avatars can be employed in video games, movies, and virtual reality applications. Users may personalize their avatars to suit their interests, giving them the freedom to explore virtual worlds and engage in interesting and engaging interactions with other users. For instance, a user can design an avatar that resembles themselves and go on an adventure with companions in a virtual metropolis. The usage of avatars on social media platforms may make the user experience more entertaining and participatory.

The educational sector is also utilizing avatars to improve the learning process. Students may study in a more individualized and immersive way by using avatars to create more dynamic and interesting online courses. Students may practice problem-solving abilities and decision-making in a secure and controlled setting by using avatars to imitate real-life circumstances. For instance, students can practice reacting to a medical emergency by using an avatar to imitate one.

The healthcare sector is another area where avatars are used. Doctors and nurses can employ avatars to help with patient care, especially when actual interaction is impractical or impossible. Avatars may be utilized to provide patients with a rudimentary understanding of their symptoms and available treatments, direct patients through exercises and rehabilitation, and even offer emotional support. An avatar, for instance, may direct a patient through physical therapy exercises and give them performance ratings.

Utilizing avatars may make advertising for goods and services more interesting and tailored. Avatars may be altered to represent the interests and traits of certain clients, enabling companies to develop tailored marketing strategies. An avatar of a famous person, for instance, may be used to advertise a brand-new perfume, and an avatar of a model, a new line of apparel.


In addition to the benefits, there are also challenges when using avatars as a service. The quality of avatars can vary depending on the provider and method used. Users may have different expectations and preferences regarding the quality of their avatars. Privacy is also a concern, as avatars as a service involve collecting and processing personal data from users. Security risks include data breaches, hacking, identity theft, or fraud by malicious actors who may try to access or manipulate user data or avatars. Finally, ethical questions arise regarding the implications of creating and using digital representations of people or characters, such as issues of consent, ownership, authenticity, accountability, and responsibility. Despite these challenges, avatars as a service are gaining popularity as a means of personalizing and enhancing user engagement in various online environments

In conclusion, since they may improve interaction, personalization, and engagement, avatars are growing in popularity across a range of businesses. They are employed in marketing, advertising, education, healthcare, and customer service. Future use cases for avatars are likely to be increasingly creative as long as technology keeps developing. The way we engage with technology, one another, and our surroundings might change thanks to avatars.

To discover more about the various evolving use cases in different industries, kindly reach out to us at

Applied Innovation Retail

From Chatbots to Humanoids: A Look at the Diverse World of Virtual Beings

Applied Innovation Retail

From Chatbots to Humanoids: A Look at the Diverse World of Virtual Beings

A Virtual Being is a conversational avatar intended for lifelike human interaction driven by AI. An avatar is a digital representation of a person in a virtual environment used for communication or self-expression. Virtual beings, on the other hand, rely on cutting-edge technology like AI, NLP, and ML and are more complicated creatures created to interact with people in a lifelike manner. Even though both involve developing a digital image of a person, virtual beings are far more advanced and have a wider range of practical uses.

Virtual beings can be used for a range of tasks, including companionship, customer service, and entertainment. The capability of virtual entities to converse with humans in normal language is one of their distinguishing characteristics. They can appear in a variety of ways, such as animated characters on a screen or as humanoid robots. Additionally, they can be tailored to fit particular requirements and preferences by changing things like age, gender, and personality. Virtual beings can be endowed with a variety of different technologies, like facial recognition, emotion detection, and gesture recognition, in addition to their conversational skills. This enables individuals to react to non-verbal cues and engage in more subtle interactions with people.

Examples of Virtual Beings

Chatbots and realistic humanoid robots are only two examples of increasingly common virtual entities. Mitsuku, a chatbot created by Steve Worswick, has received recognition for its capacity to carry on frank discussions with people. Another chatbot that adapts its replies based on human input is Replika. Magic Leap’s AI-driven chatbot Mica employs spatial computing to provide an immersive experience. Hanson Robotics created Sophia, a humanoid robot that can replicate facial expressions and have casual conversations with people. Last but not least, Soul Machines’ AI-powered virtual Zoe has been deployed in customer service applications and can communicate authentically with people.

Technologies Used in Virtual Beings

Virtual beings are made possible through a combination of several technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing (NLP), computer graphics, and machine learning (ML). AI forms the foundation of virtual beings, enabling them to understand and respond to human input in a natural and engaging way. NLP is used to teach virtual beings to understand and interpret human language, from casual speech to formal language. Computer graphics play an essential role in creating the visual representation of virtual beings, including their appearance and movements. ML algorithms train virtual beings to recognize patterns and make predictions based on large datasets of information, such as language or image data. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies can be used to create immersive experiences with virtual beings, overlaying virtual objects onto the real world or creating entirely virtual environments for users to explore. As these technologies continue to evolve and improve, virtual beings will become even more advanced and capable, opening up new possibilities and applications in various industries

Natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and computer graphics are some of the technologies used to program virtual entities. The construction of a 3D model or avatar that will serve as the virtual being’s representation is usually the first step in the programming process for virtual beings. This may entail creating the avatar’s physical attributes, such as its look, attire, and range of motion. Next, natural language processing is used to give the virtual being the ability to comprehend and react to human input. For the virtual entity to comprehend and provide natural language replies, extensive linguistic training is required.

The market for Virtual Beings:

In a number of sectors, including healthcare, education, and entertainment, virtual beings are becoming more and more common. They provide a number of advantages, including scalability, personalization, and availability around the clock.

The market for virtual beings is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global virtual and augmented reality market, which includes virtual beings, is projected to reach USD 125.32 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 43.8% from 2021 to 2026.

The use of virtual beings is becoming increasingly popular in a range of industries, including healthcare, education, entertainment, and customer service. In the healthcare industry, virtual beings are being used to provide patient support and therapy, while in education, they are being used for virtual tutoring and training.

In the entertainment industry, virtual beings are being used for gaming and virtual experiences, while in customer service, they are being used to provide personalized assistance and support. The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated the adoption of virtual beings, as more companies and organizations look for ways to interact with customers and users remotely.

As virtual beings become more advanced and capable, they are likely to be used in even more industries and applications. For example, virtual beings could be used in manufacturing and industrial settings to improve productivity and safety, or in the automotive industry to provide virtual driving assistants.

Overall, the market for virtual beings is expected to continue growing as more companies and organizations look for ways to leverage AI and virtual technologies to improve customer experiences and streamline operations.

Virtual Beings in the Clothing Industry :

Virtual beings can be used in the clothing industry in a number of ways, including virtual try-on experiences, personalized styling, and virtual assistants. One of the most common applications of virtual beings in the clothing industry is virtual try-on experiences. These experiences allow customers to virtually try on clothing items and see how they would look on them before making a purchase. This can be done using augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) technology, which creates a realistic virtual representation of the clothing item on the customer’s body.

Another use of virtual beings in the clothing industry is personalized styling. Virtual beings can use data about the customer’s body type, style preferences, and past purchases to provide personalized recommendations for clothing items. This can be done through a chatbot or voice assistant that interacts with the customer and offers suggestions based on their input. Virtual assistants can also be used to help customers navigate the online shopping experience. These assistants can answer customer questions, provide product recommendations, and help with checkout and payment processes. They can be powered by AI and NLP technology to provide a natural language conversation experience.

Overall, virtual beings offer a range of opportunities for the clothing industry to enhance the customer experience, increase sales, and improve customer satisfaction. However, the ethical and social ramifications of virtual creatures, such as how they could affect human relationships and how they might be abused, are also a source of worry. It’s important to ensure that these technologies are used in a way that is ethical, transparent, and respects customer privacy.

Please write to us at to learn more about Virtual Beings and startups working on its diverse use cases.

Applied Innovation Industry 4.0 Uncategorized

How XR Technology is transforming the Maintenance and Repair Industry

Applied Innovation Industry 4.0 Uncategorized

How XR Technology is transforming the Maintenance and Repair Industry

Everyone is raving about the new, intriguing technology known as XR. But what does XR actually imply, and when can this technology be used? Cross reality, also known as expanded reality, is a general word for several distinct but connected technologies, which include Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR).

XR, MR, VR, and AR

The terms XR, MR, VR, and AR are frequently used synonymously but there is a definite distinction between these. Virtual Reality is a type of XR that uses a head-mounted display (HMD) or smartphone, or other gadgets placed about an inch away from the viewer’s eyes to fully immerse the viewer in a simulated world. Here the display of the gadget completely fills the user’s field of view. However, not all XR is virtual reality (VR).

Similarly, Augmented Reality is a subset of XR that uses digital enhancements to improve the user’s perception of the actual world. Typically, a device’s camera is used for this, which records the real-world scene and superimposes digital components on top of it. For instance, augmented reality (AR) may phone’s camera to project game figures onto the screen of a smartphone, giving the impression that they are in the same room as you.

MR, or “mixed reality,” is a fusion of VR and AR. In other words, Virtual reality and augmented reality are combined to create Mixed Reality. Users can engage with both physical and digital objects thanks to MR’s anchoring of digital components to the real world. Usually, specialized gear, like Microsoft’s HoloLens, is used to accomplish this. Overall, it’s critical to comprehend the distinctions between XR technologies because each has particular advantages and disadvantages and is best suitable for particular uses.

Application of XR in Different Industries

XR technology by combining the physical and virtual worlds improves safety, efficiency, and productivity while reducing costs and downtime. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we work and is impacting many industries like Gaming and Entertainment, Employee Training, Customer Support, Healthcare, Property and Real Estate, and Retail.

Application of XR in Maintenance and repair

Maintenance and repair work is one of the most important applications where XR is having an impact. Technicians can obtain real-time information, such as directions, blueprints, and troubleshooting manuals, about the equipment they are working on by using AR overlays. This technology may increase the precision and effectiveness of maintenance and repair work, decrease delay, and eventually result in cost savings for companies.

Traditionally, techs have user manuals and blueprints to identify and fix equipment. This approach, though, can be laborious and error-prone. On the other hand, XR technology gives workers a visual depiction of the equipment, enabling them to swiftly recognize the issue and fix it. This is especially advantageous for sophisticated apparatus and equipment, where even a small error can result in expensive downtime and maintenance costs.

Additionally, step-by-step directions on how to fix or keep the equipment can be provided using AR overlays. This benefits technicians who may be inexperienced with a specific sort of machinery or lack the required knowledge. Technicians can more swiftly and correctly identify and fix machinery with the help of real-time guidance.

Repair workers as well can be trained using XR technology on how to operate and manage equipment. The use of VR models can give techs access to a regulated and secure virtual world where they can practice maintenance and repair tasks. This can lower the possibility of mishaps and equipment harm while training, as well as increase the techs’ effectiveness and accuracy in real-world situations.

Remote assistance can also be provided using AR graphics. With the aid of smart eyewear, techs can communicate in real-time with specialists who can assist them virtually throughout the maintenance or repair process. When working with complicated equipment that calls for specialized knowledge and experience, this can be especially helpful.

In general, XR technology has the power to completely transform the servicing and repair sector. Businesses can increase the precision and effectiveness of maintenance and repair tasks, decreasing delay and eventually saving money, by giving workers real-time information, step-by-step directions, and online assistance. It will be fascinating to observe how XR technology develops in the future and how it will help companies run more effectively and efficiently.

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Global News of Significance

Global Virtual Reality in Healthcare Market is Projected to Grow Significantly by 2029

Global News of Significance

Global Virtual Reality in Healthcare Market is Projected to Grow Significantly by 2029

The global virtual reality in the healthcare market is projected to grow to USD 6.20 billion by 2029, exhibiting a CAGR of 38.7% during 2022-2029.

As per the report by Fortune Business Insights, the global virtual reality in healthcare market size was USD 459.0 million in 2021 and grew to USD 628.0 million in 2022. With over 185.0 Million in annual market revenue, North America held the largest portion.

Medical professionals and institutions have benefited greatly from the use of virtual reality in healthcare. Planning, treating and diagnosing people with autism, fears, melancholy, and addiction all involve this technology. Virtual reality has many advantages, and healthcare providers are starting to use it in their operations. The technology has been demonstrated to be an effective tool for challenging procedures because it offers risk-free conditions. For the best learning programs for students and doctors, major virtual reality companies have combined 3D engaging content with 360-degree video.

The report’s main conclusions are:

  • Pain management is a crucial area where investments can have a big impact.
  • Technology developments will be crucial in fostering VR’s use in wearable gadgets.
  • It is a common customer belief that smart tech makes healthcare more affordable and available.
  • Healthcare professionals are increasingly using virtual reality to improve patient therapy capability.
  • Application Analysis: As PTSD cases increase, the pain management segment will dominate the market.

Constraints and Drivers

  • The industry is anticipated to advance due to the growth potential of smart technology and expenditures in pain management.
  • Virtual reality usage in healthcare will be aided by the rising appeal of wearable technology, such as fitness monitors, fit bands, rings, headphones, and spectacles.
  • Real-time mental health treatment is a growing application for VR headsets, and technological advancements will further expand VR’s application in wearable technology.
  • Virtual reality technologies are increasingly in demand due to the popularity of patient treatment apps for pain management, rehabilitation, harm evaluation, stroke recovery, and PTSD.
  • The use of virtual reality to address post-traumatic stress disorder in war veterans has attracted the attention of medical professionals.
  • The industry could encounter difficulties as a result of technical restrictions like computer specifications and resolution quality.

The report expects that North America will dominate the market for virtual reality (VR) in healthcare. Expanding healthcare research and development would accelerate regional market expansion. Asia Pacific will expand at a healthy rate and revenue-wise, major countries like India, China, and Japan are anticipated to rule the healthcare industry, concludes the report. It is also anticipated that businesses in the healthcare sector will increase their investments in VR.

Innovator's Vista

How Augmented Reality is Transforming Businesses

Innovator's Vista

How Augmented Reality is Transforming Businesses

Augmented Reality can simply be described as technology that allows you to see the real world, just with additions which are not really there. It adds virtual objects to the physical world through real-time use of information in the form of text, graphics, audio and other virtual enhancements. It is different from Virtual Reality as in VR user is fully immersed in an imaginary world and functionally isolated from the real environment.

With advancements in next generation Kinect devices, mobile handsets, and other hardware devices AR is gaining traction. The factors, such as changing consumer preferences, emergence of new information-delivery paradigm, demand for better quality of experiences are driving the augmented reality industry growth. 

AR is impacting the businesses in two ways; first, by becoming the product and part of other products and second, by playing its role in product development.

AR is impacting the businesses in two ways; first, by becoming the product and part of other products and second, by playing its role in product development, manufacturing, marketing, sales, productivity improvement, and after-sales services. So there is unlimited potential for AR, the only question is how to unlock it. 

There are very interesting uses of AR technology that are already offering benefits in a variety of industries. For example, Augmented reality is being used for training surgeons and in performing detailed surgical operations. In Real Estate, AR can help understand the potential of a property, helping the consumer to visualize the space of interest. In Education sector, AR can enhance learning experience for students through virtual objects and help them better understand certain concepts.

In retail industry, it allows customers to view products in natural environments  and even experience them before buying them, for example it can allow customers to see how a product might look on them. In Automotive sector, AR heads-up displays are helping drivers process information that enhances their view of road, hence warn and save them of any potential hazards. It is also making easier for them to navigate than a traditional maps. Apart from all this, AR is one of the most important elements of the metaverse, a next evolution of the internet.

A Noida based Startup, Easiofy Solutions, is working on this technology with a vision of bringing Augmented Reality to common man to solve everyday problems.

A Noida based Startup, Easiofy Solutions, is working on this technology with a vision of bringing Augmented Reality to common man and solve everyday problems. The company, founded in 2018, has built an Augmented Reality platform, ARTee, which, as claimed, can be used to develop solutions for verticals such as Marketing and Promotion, Education and Training, Retail, Manufacturing, Medical diagnosis and training, Remote Assistance and Maintenance.

The startup claims that the key factors that differentiate the platform from it requires no third-party licenses and its ready to use Domain Templates. Apart from this, it has unified view on iOS, Android, Web & all devices and it is 70% faster as compared to existing AR-VR development platform.

Image Courtesy: Easiofy

ARTee-Retail is dedicated to online sales that converts shopping environments into Augmented/Virtual environment where customers can analyse and survey the products before investing on the product. Similarly, ARTee-PrintMedia combines dynamic contents like images with video/3d content with static content to make it more interesting. Another solution is ARTee platform for education and training for Augmented Reality based teaching methodology. ARTee Pen is the Augmented reality remote assistance and maintenance tool. It is Provide remote technical assistance in real time to field technicians assisted by augmentations in 3D.

Easiofy has customers like L&T, Nissan, Xerox, NEC, etc and is offering its services in a subscription based business model. Apart from all its offering what makes the startup led by Meenal Gupta unique is that it has women holding all the significant posts.

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